Safe Schools, Safe Streets Rally
My name is Elena Magdaleno, Owner/Graphic Artist of Kaila Designs, community member of the 31st Ward, and most importantly mom of 2 wonderful children. My daughter is currently a Junior in High School and my son a 7th grader. I've been involved with the Falconer Elementary Local School council for 6 years, and sitting as chairperson for the past 4. This year I will continue to serve as a community representative. Finally, I'm proud to announce we recently became approved as a licensed foster family and we have extended our family to children in need of care.
My purpose of #spreadlove is simple ---
I've been helped, I still receive help, so I will help...
My name is Veronica Bedoy. I am a proud wife and mother of two, an 18 year old daughter and a 15 year old son. I believe that the values we instill in our children are vital. My commitment to my children and other children is ... my message to them is that although you have been born to certain situations, you do not have to stay there and you are not alone, EVER! Life is but a path to a better you and with love all is possible. I have seen it with my very own eyes.
I have been part of my community for well over 10 years now, and I am a member of our local school council and also part of our chicago police department community policing program. I am also invlolved with other local community based organizations. My heart wants to give back and I believe that a strong foundation allows for healthy growth and development. My hope is that I can spread enough love to be shared over and over.
We are proud to announce our new Campaign --- #SpreadLove by Kaila Designs.
On August 30, we attended the Safe Schools, Safe Streets Rally where we introduced our message with children and families. We gave away our 1" buttons to everyone present and were truly pleased with the reaction from children, parents, police officers, firemen, council members. Our belief is true. It takes the little things to make an impact. This is only the beginning, we have
We have created and will continue to create paraphernalia and gift items with custom designs promoting love of self, community, family, culture, the arts, and life. Our goal is to work in collaboration with our local non-profit organizations to make a larger impact in our community and in our youth especially. A portion of our sales will benefit our community. It is our responsibility as parents and as a community to enrich the lives of our children and remind them of what is important. Love.